20 June 2024

新聞稿:小彬紀念基金會發布《多元名單2024》 國際化是香港賴以成功的要素

20 June 2024

Press Release: Diversity List 2024 – Internationalism is Key to Hong Kong’s Success

6 March 2024

新聞稿:忍氣吞聲到自主圖強 11 個香港少數族裔女性面對強迫婚姻的真實故事

6 March 2024

Press release: From Silence to Strength | 11 True Stories of Hong Kong Ethnic Minority Women Facing Forced Marriage

6 June 2023

Statement: The Zubin Foundation Extends its Condolences to the Family in the Sham Shui Po Tragic Incidence | More Support is Required to Address th...

17 January 2023

新聞稿: 小彬紀念基金會家庭服務中心正式開幕 幫助有特殊教育需要的少數族裔兒童

17 January 2023

Press release: Zubin’s Family Centre opens First facility catering to special needs of ethnic minority children in Hong Kong

27 November 2021

Press release: Urgent Call for Action for Children who face the “Double Whammy” in Hong Kong Schools (Non-Chinese PLUS Special Needs)

18 October 2020

Press release: Empowerment Through Education – The Zubin Foundation Announces Scholarship Awards for 2020/21

16 March 2020

Press release: The Zubin Foundation is giving out 60,000 masks to Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong Challenges Ethnic Minorities Face is More Than Ever

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