Research has demonstrated that one of the most powerful tools in poverty alleviation is educating women and girls. Ethnic minority women are a minority group within a minority group. They are also an under acknowledged group in their own indigenous communities having been subordinated by their gender at birth.

Many women and girls from Hong Kong’s ethnic minority communities are marginalised. Many women and girls are feeling alone. There are no Hong Kong dedicated resources to help ethnic minority women and girls.

A lot of the women are stressed – handling housework, not speaking Cantonese, living on very small incomes from their husband, looking after children and elderly relatives, cultural conflict, not understanding how to access government assistance, and sometimes, with a child/children with special education needs, etc.

We have also heard from mothers with children of special education needs who have no idea on what to do with the children. Most mothers have not received any parenting training. Most mothers have received very little education in their lives.


We offer support groups for 3 different groups of vulnerable individuals, including:

  • Women in need of emotional support
  • Mothers of Children with SEN
  • Girls in need of emotional support

We provide an audience with an experienced psychologist in Hindi/Urdu/English, at schools across Hong Kong for two hours for 8 week periods.

  • This provides a safe place and an opportunity to be with likeminded people, share their concerns and find strength and encouragement from each other.
  • Improving coping skills and sense of adjustment.
  • Feeling less lonely, isolated or judged.
  • Increased self-understanding, empathy and hope.
  • Reducing distress, depression, anxiety or fatigue.


  • “Since I have joined this group, I have received a lot of help and a lot of gifts. As in to make time for myself, exercise. I have learned many tips. All of us in this group know each other and are good friends.”
  • “meeting others has helped me to make good friends and helped me be confident in myself”
  • “We have learned about each others problems. We share our sorrows and together problem solve. We help each other with our problems. From this group, we are very happy. We also have two hours to chit-chat. We have learned a lot of tips about stress and what stress is.”


(key sponsors, advisors, supporting organisations)

  • The Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged (HKSARG)
  • Lokumal & Co (HK) Ltd
  • White Nights Limited
  • Caravel Resources Limited
  • The HK Club Foundation
  • All partner NGOs and schools who helped recruit the participants
  • All partners who provide venue space for us our support groups
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