of Hong Kong's population are ethnic minorities
of South Asians in
Hong Kong live under
the poverty line
of ethnic minority children live in poverty in Hong Kong
The Zubin Foundation is an integrated service provider for Hong Kong's ethnic minorities.
We improve the lives of Hong Kong's ethnic minorities by reducing suffering and providing opportunities.
In 2023, The Zubin Foundation directly impacted the lives of 12,000 ethnic minority individuals.
Most are Hong Kong Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalis and Filipinos.
lives directly impacted through our outreach work in 2023
individuals recieved emergency relief in 2023
hours of one-to-one counselling received by EM adults and children in a year
We provide various services to Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities. Get in touch with us.
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Kwok Samia Sara
Interned at Walgreens Boots Alliance
Catherine Husted
Chair, Scholarships Committee and Board Vice-Chair, The Zubin Foundation“Over two days, the Scholarship Committee interviewed many students in need of financial assistance to either begin or continue their further studies. The process is always eye opening and demonstrates the need in the community. Chairing this Committee is immensely rewarding.”

Maria Khan
Participant of Capacity Building Programme“I am very thankful for the one-to-one training programme, and this training helps build my confidence in the upcoming job interviews and overall in my life.”

Clarissa Lui
Speaker at The Zubin Foundation Conference“As a Hong Kong Chinese person who attended one of the best local girls' schools, race discrimination in our city was not an issue I had to worry about. Two years ago, I started to date an Indian man and have since opened my eyes to rampant racial discrimination against dark-skinned people. Companies need to invest in ensuring their staff and industries understand the racism that prevails in our community and take steps to become better allies.”

Dinesh Bhugra
Committee Member, Ethnic Minority Well-being Centre“It has been a pleasure to be a part of the advisory committee of The Zubin Foundation's Ethnic Minority Well-Being Centre and be able to support their work in providing therapies and interventions to people from minorities in their preferred languages. It is essential that people get the services they need and The Zubin Foundation is best placed to provide these in the third sector.”

Dolly Wadhwani
Call Mira - CallerCall Mira has been my lifeline. I first called in August 2021 because I was very lonely. Both my husband and I have disabilities and live in public housing. We have no family in Hong Kong. Thanks to The Zubin Foundation we were provided with food and more importantly friendship and love.
“I learned a lot in terms of project skills and communication. I was very satisfied with my employer, Walgreens Boots Alliance. I am also thankful for making new friends in the company. We used to lunch together and learn together during our internship”